Thursday, December 2, 2010


Today I drove the whole way home from work with no music on and had a talk with myself. No not out loud but in my head, because when I open my mouth is never comes out what's really going on inside my head. I thought about alot of things, mainly randomness, some about my daughter from which derived the first writing of her on here.
I thought about my constant strive to get to know someone, maybe someone I don't even really know. If I come across you on Google, Facebook, or any other network and something about you catches my eye, I strive to find out more. I want to learn all about someone or something that interest me. At times its an obsession, at other times its like a scavenger hunt for me. I don't think this makes me crazy, I mean for crying out loud people follow people on twitter just to see what someone update is for that day? (maybe I'm wrong about the twitter part, I haven't really grasped the whole concept with that one yet or joined that network just yet) But once I find something I feel the need to pick it apart, every last detail, to examine it from the inside out. I enjoy being on the other side of the monitor screen reading away about parts of your life, tweets that you made about someone you care for or analyze what made you update your facebook status, what was it really intended for? Sheer nonsense are most, however behind alot of updates are alot of emotions. Some are stabs at friends, politics, old lovers, new lovers, the list could go on. In one single setting your facebook status could intrigue me for days, even if I do not know you. I want to know what made you say what you said. What were you feeling that exact moment? I go back through my updates and think back on why I made the comment I made and normally I remember really special moments in my life that maybe I wouldn't have remembered if it hadn't had been for that one single emotion that made me update my status. It's funny how technology works. So as much as I am intrigued by others and like to follow many, I am just as intrigued by myself each day, Because me being me is nothing but a bunch of raw emotions.
Back on track here, as driving home I thought about the above but I also found myself thinking about the car in front of me and what a dumb stupid move they just made, I think one guy was changing clothes, talking on the phone, and eating all while driving and getting off the interstate. As I think to myself "great, I would get behind this guy" then I watch a man run across 6 busy lanes of traffic to get to the other side and I thought to myself "that's one hell of a joke" Like seriously what would make you run across 6 lanes of traffic, I hope he made it as I laughed out loud to myself. I thought to myself as I went to pick up Haleigh, why didn't I stop at the eyeglass place before you went and got her. Then the whole time I'm thinking so consistently with myself and rather enjoying this talk that I'm having I completely drive by the tanning bed and thought "shit I was going to tan today" Then after picking up Haleigh my silence was gone but my mind still races, she just drowns it out until she goes to bed. . .

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