Friday, December 3, 2010


epiphany: a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
I have these alot and everytime I seem shocked but today I am not. It's funny how I think about people that were once in my life and think of from time to time and look up to only find after years later were sometimes better left unfound. Regrets no, never, that is not a word I like to have in my vocabulary, maybe I just don't live up to some people's standards and I'm ok with that. I don't guess I need someone to tell me but I'm obviously a verbal person and life verbal confirmation. Just an example of two of my examples:
9 years apart + 4 weeks of bliss = total disappointment
10 years since spoken + 5 days of talking + 2 nights out = 7 digits that will probably never be used again.
3 great years of friendship x multiple nights of fun x handful of good cries = Friendship loss due to neediness.
7 years of knowing someone + 2 jobs worked together x multiple apple tinis = my misery everyday at work.
Epiphany is the word that came to mind, however I cant exactly put mine out into words but maybe I'll come back tomorrow

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