Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Path my Self Cleansing 4 Week Discovery

First, let me say I do not make New Years Resolutions. I believe that they are 95% a failure in the end. Yes there are that 5% that stick with their New Years Resolution for the full 12 months and actually accomplish what they truly set out to do. My take on New Years Resolutions are why wait until the New Year to make a plan of action for your life. If you are truly inspired and want to take a new direction in your life then you take it then, you do not wait until a New Year. Yes, New Year, new beginnings, but new beginnings do not have to wait until a New Year. With this being said I have struggled for many months if not for a year or so with my life and the direction it is going and where I want to be with my faith in something, anything at that. I had a very heart filled conversation with my best friend and her husband who I find their love and faith in God a true work of what is going on in their lives. I am lost in Faith, God, and almost everything else these days. However my best friend's husband sent me a link Saturday night as we were talking about how it is not up to me to change my life, to change my direction, or to find the true love that I want to exist in my life so bad. I have to stop trying to make a difference in my life and hand my life over to God and then I will start to see changes. I have to stop trying to be such a control freak, I need to turn this over to God and let him have the complete control over my life. With this being said I thought long and hard last night about something I want to do for at least 4 weeks, starting today. I have decided I am going to focus on my health, diet, physical fitness, my relationship with my daughter and try to read devotionals everyday and step back from the outside world for 4 weeks. This does not mean that I am cutting everyone off from my life, it just means that I am giving myself 4 weeks to reflect without going on dates with men/guys and going to a bar for an occasional drink. During the week I will not struggle with this, because of school, Haleigh's school, and the gym, however whenever Haleigh may not be with me on the weekends I will have to stand strong and not fold. I plan to remove alcohol from my life for a full 4 weeks while I concentrate, perhaps even meditating on what I think needs to be important. I do want to start attending church with my friend and her family for myself, but also Haleigh. She loves church, she soaks it up, however if I do not go to church my goals within these next four weeks of personal reflection will be to (1)read a devotional everyday along with a bible verse that I receive each morning on my phone, (2) remove alcohol for 4 full weeks, and (3) no dating or socializing other than with the two positive people in my life. I do not call this my New Years Resolution, I am calling this my Self Cleansing 4 Week Discovery. Once I make it past 4 weeks I will then decide where to continue this discover and cleansing in my life. I will try to blog weekly to keep an update of how things are going and how tough they may be.

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