Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just a little Rant, What I like to call Rachel's Perspective

Rachel’s perspective on things
I laugh a lot at other people expense at least once a day.
Yes this is wrong, but we all do I just have the balls to admit that I do.
So I see pictures of girls/women/whores/hookers whatever name you prefer to call them letting men grab on their books, lick on their chest and I’m just like WTF really?
Am I saying that I’ve never done this, no I am not, however when this was done and it was normally not men groping me, merely close girlfriends being silly I did not post these pictures for the public eye to see.
One day you will wake up and be like wtf was I seriously doing and is this how people are going to remember me? Because let me tell you that when I see these pictures, it is not as if I’m getting a certain positive outlook on your or your life.
I noticed this one day while bored at work and scanning through random people’s pictures who are fucking dumb enough to not have their profile or pictures set to private, which yet alone is yelling I want or need attention to live my pathetic excuse for a life. After scanning through quite a few pictures I thought to myself , shit I have some stupid pictures that I have posted on my stupid facebook wall and I’m sure the friends that don’t know me closely must have thought that I was a bit on the wild side and not someone they should really respect. So this started my process of weaving through my photo albums, unfortunately there are quite a few. I once was a photo whore. I am slowly weeding out the pictures I feel inappropriate for public display, even though only my friends can see these pictures, not all friends are really close friends. I am a mother and a hard ass working woman, so I don’t want people to get the wrong idea about me. I am more than a picture; I’m much deeper than anyone could ever know.
Back to my rant, girls if you let a man grab your boobs while drunk or lick on your chest, chances are he thinks you are a whore and would never respect you number one much less take your ass out on a date. Come on girls, you have a brain , I promise, if you will dig past all your hair and makeup you might see that just being the real you could actually work and you could still have fun without looking like a ridiculous girl or even a whore.
Girls, seems to be the main rant that I have here, because surely no women go around doing this. Although I have to say I am ashamed to say that I have ran across some female UNPRIVATE profiles ( yet again let me say dumbasses) that are old enough to be my mother dressed like skanks and out in bars all the time. I feel that I cracked my true shell about 6 months ago and woman hood as finally came out in me. Just because I have a 7 year old that never made me a woman. My thoughts, views, and perspective on the way I viewed myself seemed to change and then I thought that if my views and values go up then I have to keep this going. Many will see my photo whoring days have really came to a stop, I no longer upload 50 photos at a time of one outing. This was just ridiculous. I love pictures, please don’t get me wrong, photography is another passion of mine, and I believe every picture is worth keeping you’re your own reasons, but this doesn’t mean that you have to share them with everyone on your page.
So my rant as gone everywhere at this point and I’m not really sure that I accomplished the rant that I set out to accomplish. None the less, girls stop being tramps, respect yourself more. No man will ever respect a female that goes around letting everyman in the bar touch her and grope her in public eye. Get it together girls, we come to a point in our life where we must grow up and crack that dam shell of womanhood. So embrace it , don’t fight it. Find one man and let him feel upon you at your home or in private not in the public eye, because if I see you I guarantee you that I will talk about you and pass judgment on you. Its kind of hard not to.

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