Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Love all.....

 Human Rights Campaign - Washington, DC

Currently I am not one that listens to the News or have much of an opinion on what’s going on in the world. I try to concentrate on what is going on in my world and my life that I can control to some degree. However, currently in the news, the Supreme Court battle with the Gay Right Marriage has caused a lot of debate and News Feed on my Facebook. I can honestly say that my stand point is pretty simple. Love is love, love is not easy, love is not blind, love is something to cherish. Love is not always something so easy to come by. With that said, whether you decide to love someone intimately of the same sex means no difference to me. I also feel that it would be wrong of me to hate or discriminate against someone who is in a same sex relationship. Who am I to judge, who are you to judge? Honestly at the end of the day, it is really no one’s damn business. With this being said I find myself as a parent allowing my daughter to create her own thoughts and feelings against homosexuality and heterosexuality. I have explained to her that just because one person loves or cares for another person that is of the same sex we should not judge them, shun them out, or even make a big deal of it. It is what it is. You love who you love, and no one should be judged or even singled out for that. Although my daughter has clearly stated she likes the opposite sex, I have also explained to her that even if she didn’t I would love her no less. As long as one is happy, treated with respect, and love is encountered, I will not love her or anyone else that I know any less because they love for the same sex.

I saw a great post on Facebook that I thought was perfect. Hit it right on the head, “ To everyone who opposed Gay Marriage or believes that your bible gives you the moral authority to dictate the rights of others, your children will look back at you like we look at those who told blacks and women that they didn’t have the same rights as white men.” PERIOD, enough said and so true. I think about the equality of this country and our rights as people of this great nation, why are we still fighting such small insignificant things? When there is starving children in our country, wars with other countries going on around us, is “same sex marriage” really that high on the pole? Again, is it really any of our business? Just as women and blacks faced obstacles in their lives for years and decades, why should this go on and on for Same Sex Relationships. It is small, bottom line, we should all be equal, neither age, sex, nor ethnicity should hold part in that. I am not saying that if you are completely against gay marriage then you are wrong, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just as the quote states above, we have moved mountains in the racial department (not to say that all race issues have been resolved) but we are not segregated anymore. Women are now in higher positions than they ever would have thought decades ago. Why draw this out more than it should? You don’t have to agree with it, you don’t even have to like it. This is a Free Country and you are entitled to feel and express yourself as you feel freely, but also remember that “Ignorance is Bliss.” Love should be something we value and enthrall upon people not cause controversy. Love is supposed to be a happy time, not a downfall because of who you love or why
Over the past few days I’m sure I will see more opinions of Close Friends and Family and find myself struggling with their comments when I feel that I am so unbiased in this situation. I have to say that the toughest comments to swallow are by loved ones, ones that raised you. I find myself questioning how one can call themselves “Christian” or “nonjudgmental” when their post can be viewed or read as judging and coming off with only a one track mind of thinking one way and one way only. Are Christians’ not supposed to love everyone, not judge others, and accept everyone for who they are? I hope that if situations were ever to change and my daughter was to fall in love with someone of the same sex, how would my close friends and family react? Would they change their minds? Would they become more open to “accept” and “love” her just because she is family or close friends? This is where my struggles lie with this. I want to teach my daughter that no one should be left behind, love who you want and most of all Love with all your heart. Like I said before, love is a gift, love is a passion, and love shouldn’t be judged because not everyone is so blessed to have love or ever encounter what true love is. We should not judge someone by whom they love and how they love them. Love should be accepted in all FORMS.

Just my opinions, that are meant to not offend or hurt anyone that reads them.