Everyone is entitled to an opinion and in most cases I’m not one to share mine but usually only on my blog because not many view it or read it. I am definitely not one to post my opinions or disappoints on my FB statuses or about celebrities and what they get caught doing or stupid shit they have done. I could honestly care less about a celebrity and what they are doing. I have enough to worry about in my own every day NORMAL life to concern my thoughts or opinions upon celebrities. However, scanning around on ABC World News website this morning I ran across the Entertainment section and was disappointed to see 2 of my daughter’s favorite Disney Characters starring in a new movie, definitely not a DISNEY produced movie. I get it, these girls are grown now, and Disney is over for them, they are 18. Why should they not explore the grown up acting abilities in Hollywood? Start staring in movies not just fan geared by the little girls of Disney. But this one disturbs me and I guess mainly for the fact that I have always liked these 2 girls roles and music and felt that they were wholesome or at least they hung on to the ‘wholesome’ a little bit longer than Miley and other Disney starts have. I guess for some reason I felt this one (Selena Gomez) was going to be different and keep her ‘wholesome’ appeal. That she was a genuine girl and wouldn’t get caught up into Roles that would not be a very good example for her fan base. Yes, I do get it. She is trying to expand her Fan Base, but why this role. Seems like there would have to be more opportunities for a girl with her talent. However, this role in this movie seems like a Brittney Spears experience or Miley Gone Wild Movie and the worst part was hearing her speak about the movie, all 4 of these young girls as if they had just been in one of the going to be ‘greatest of all time’ controversial movies ever. I mean seriously watch the trailer first. Then listen to the clip at the end. It breaks my heart for my daughter that any Star Child will ruin any image they have for a buck, or for a new fan base, or maybe just publicity. Where are the good Role Models for daughters these days or for any child? Why does every one child actor have to eventually ruin their image with SEX, Drugs, explicating their bodies? I guess I know the reason, I was young once and I was stupid and not famous, I’m sure the pressure is much more when in the limelight all the time. At a certain age you want people to view you as an adult or a maturing adolescent but it always goes by faster than one could ever image. It’s like in the blink of an eye, one moment that can define you for the rest of your life. Maybe not in all circumstances but in most I think kids that try to grow up to fast, wind up growing up faster than they ever wanted and realize how if they could turn that clock back they would. I know, I was one of these kids. However, back to Selena and Vanessa, I hate to think that the girls that I use to not mind buying stuff from; music, movies, TV shows, will now be showing their bodies off in tiny bikinis, become ski mask wearing gangs. Yes I know it’s a movie but Monkey See Monkey Do and this is truer for Girls than boys. Little girls see their idols like this growing up and acting different parts and who’s to say that perhaps that little girl won’t want to be just like them because they have always wanted to dress like them, sing like them, be them when playing with friends. Hopefully, my H won’t fall into this category but she is a 10 year old girl and even though the values I have taught her and the way she should want to be perceived does not mean she will always follow this. Mainly I just wanted to get off my chest how for once I was disappointed in a child celebrity, others had been expected and I’m not sure why I thought different of these. Just a concerned mother who wants only the best for her daughter just laying some lines out there of my opinions and thoughts on this particular movie.
Movie Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EvlGXNOtd2E
Girls talking about the movie: http://www.mtv.com/videos/movies/872078/spring-breakers-stars-stripped-down-for-their-roles.jhtml
My stomach was literally in knots hearing these girls talk about these roles as if they are life changing. For the love of GOD where have all the Good Girls gone that don’t have to play stupid mindless idiots with no clothes on in a movie???